Settlement Breakdown Report
Last updated: January 22, 2025
The Settlement Breakdown Report shows the financial activity that makes up your settlement.
To enable this report, reach out to your Account Manager or [email protected].
This report is provided as a CSV file. By default, the file name uses the format:
settlement-breakdown__{Your Entity-ID}_{Payout date: YYYYMMDD}_{PayoutID}_1.csv
The Settlement Breakdown Report is created when your settlement is generated, between 02:00 and 12:00 in the settlement time zone you've configured in your entity account. A report is created for each settlement sent, in line with your specified settlement frequency.
The report provides a detailed record of all financial activity associated with a specific settlement.
For example, you've set the settlement time zone to America/Los_Angeles Pacific Time (PT) and your business follows a daily settlement cycle. You receive a USD settlement from on August 4, 2023 with the Payout ID 00000000CFJU. Your report with the ID 00000000CFJU on August 4, 2023 explains that settlement. It includes all financial activity held in USD from August 3, 2023, at 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 PT. The report is created by 12:00 PT on August 4, 2023.
See instructions on how to download the report on demand or on a schedule:
Download a sample Settlement Breakdown Report (CSV file).
If you're using Safari, hold the Option key when you download.
Field name | Description |
Client Entity ID string | The unique ID of the entity for which the financial movement was processed. |
Client Entity Name string | The name of the entity for which the financial movement was processed. |
Processing Channel ID string | The unique ID for processing channel configurations. |
Processing Channel Name string | The name for the processing channel configurations that determine how payments and fees are routed and processed. |
Type string | The type of financial movement processed. |
Payment ID string | The unique ID for the payment, to which a financial action is associated. |
Reference string | An optional ID you can use to identify payments submitted when requesting a payment. If multiple references contribute to a single financial transaction, the reference corresponds to the latest action. For example if you submit a different reference on authorization and capture, the reference of the charge corresponds to capture as that is the latest action. |
Processed On datetime | The timestamp of when the financial movement is recorded on your balances in ISO format, in the local time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS.sss). This is not the time when a payment was requested. |
Available On datetime | The timestamp of when the financial movement enters your available balance and becomes accessible to use, in the local time (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS.sss). |
Holding Currency string | The three-digit ISO currency code of the currency a financial action is held and paid out in. For example, USD for dollars. |
Payout ID string | The unique ID of the payout in which the financial action was included. |
Gross In Holding Currency decimal | Any revenue movement amount, before deductions or adjustments are made, represented in the holding currency. |
Deduction In Holding Currency decimal | The total sum of any fees, taxes, or reserves deducted from the financial movement type, represented in the holding currency. |
Net In Holding Currency decimal | The amount settled for the particular financial movement, represented in the holding currency. |
Processing Fee In Holding Currency decimal | The sum of all processing fees such as gateway, premium, and any other fees related to the processing of the financial movement, represented in the holding currency. |
Scheme Fee In Holding Currency decimal | The scheme fees related to processing of the financial movement, represented in the holding currency. |
Interchange In Holding Currency decimal | The interchange applied for processing of that financial movement, represented in the holding currency. |
Tax In Holding Currency decimal | The tax applied on the fees charged for that financial movement, represented in the holding currency. |
Reserve In Holding Currency decimal | The reserve amount deducted from a capture, represented in the holding currency. |
Processing Currency string | The three-digit ISO currency code of a financial action when processed. For example, USD for dollars. If Gross in Holding Currency is 0, this field will be blank. |
Gross In Processing Currency decimal | If the customer was charged in a different currency than your account’s default, this field will reflect the amount as seen by the customer. If Gross in Holding Currency is 0, this field will be blank. |
FX Rate Applied decimal | The foreign exchange rate applied to a gross processed financial action. If the processing currency and holding currency are the same, this value is |
Payment Method string | The payment method associated with the financial action. |
Card Type string optional | The card type used to make the payment. For example, credit or debit card. |
Card Category string optional | The card category used to make the payment. For example, consumer or commercial. |
Issuer Country string optional | The two-digit ISO country code of the country where the card was issued. For example, US. |
Entity Country string optional | The two-digit ISO country code of a client entity. For example, US. |
Region string optional | The region where this payment occurred. This can be one of:
MID string optional | An optional merchant ID used to segment your payments traffic with card schemes. |
Merchant Category Code string optional | The four-digit code for retail financial services expressed in ISO 18245 format to classify the types of goods or services provided by you. |
Acquirer Reference Number string optional | The unique number assigned to a transaction when it moves through the payment flow between the merchant bank and the cardholder’s bank. |
Account Funding Transaction string optional | A flag to mark if a transaction debited funds from an account to fund a non-merchant account. For example, to load a prepaid card or top up a wallet. |
Entity Segment string optional | The name of the entity segment the payment is tagged to. |
Issuing Bank string optional | The bank that issued the card used to make the payment. |
BIN string optional | The identifier for the financial institution that issued the card. |
Payment Type string optional | The type of card payment used for the Card Not Present (CNP) payment |
Processed On UTC datetime optional | The timestamp of when the financial movement was processed and recorded in your balance in ISO format, in UTC (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS.sss). |
Available On UTC datetime optional | The timestamp of when the financial movement enters your available balance and becomes accessible to use, in UTC (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS.sss). |
UDF 1 string optional | An optional ID passed in the request. |
UDF 2 string optional | An optional ID passed in the request. |
UDF 3 string optional | An optional ID passed in the request. |
UDF 4 string optional | An optional ID passed in the request. |
UDF 5 string optional | An optional ID passed in the request. |
Action ID string optional | A unique identifier for an individual action that affects your balances. If multiple actions contribute to a single financial transaction, the Action ID corresponds to the latest action. For example, if a charge involves authentication, authorization, and capture, the Action ID corresponds to capture as that is the latest action. |