View sub-entity balances
Last updated: July 26, 2023
Keep track of your sub-entities' funds using the Balances API directly, or through the Dashboard.
To access your sub-entity's balance, you must:
- be on the
account type - have onboarded your sub-entity to our Platforms solution
- have made your first payment on behalf of your sub-entity
- From the Dashboard home page, go to Sub-entities.
- Select a sub-entity from the list. This opens the Sub-entity details page.
- Under Balances, the sub-entity's balance is split into four sections:
- Available: the funds available to be used for transactions such as transfers or payouts
- Incoming: the funds on the way to the sub-entity's account (these funds will be added to Available, once settled)
- Outgoing: the funds being paid out of the sub-entity's account, but not yet settled
- Collateral: the sub-entity’s funds held as collateral for the rolling reserve
If your sub-entity has multiple holding currencies, you can view the balances for each specific currency.
If you cannot see your sub-entities' balances in the Dashboard, you may not have access to this feature. Contact us to find out more.
To get a detailed view of all required and optional fields, see our API reference.
sub-domain is slightly different to's other endpoints.
Narrow down the search by applying a query to your request. For example, query=currency:EUR
1{2"data": [3{4"descriptor": "Revenue Account 1",5"holding_currency": "EUR",6"balances": {7"pending": 10,8"available": 50,9"payable": 0,10"collateral": 011}12}13]14}